
These are some of the ways in which we seek to be sustainable in our fields and in our lives:

Agriculture “by subtraction”
We practce a form of organic agriculture that we define as “by subtraction”: that is, we don’t limit ourselves to substituting the synthetic products employed in conventional agriculture with those allowed in an organic regime, but we try to intervene as little as possible so as not to disturb the natural equilibrium of plants, soil and animal life. For the vegetables we use neither cold frames nor artificial mulching, and in the olive groves and the vineyards we do our best to adopt sustainable methods: limited mechanical cultivation, biodegradable cords for tying up the vines, reintroduction where possible of traditional forms of pruning.

Photovoltaic plant
We have chosen renewable energy in constructing a 15 Kw photovoltaic plant, in an exchange agreement with the grid, thus producing all if not more energy than that which we consume for both farm and domestic use.

Vinegar cellar
Since we had to build a space for the vinegar production from scratch, we decided to do so in a sustainable fashion and to replace the reinforced concrete of the original plans with a structure built of wood and panels of compressed straw.

We recycle, we limit our use of paper, restricting ourselves to recycled paper, in shipping we recycle our own or other people’s cartons, we choose light weight and inexpensive bottles and packaging, with the additional goal of maintaining the best possible relationship between quality and price.

Addio pizzo
We support the AddioPizzo anti-racket campaign and print their logo on our product labels. To learn more, go to
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